Thursday 21 April 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome, and thank you for stopping by here, and having a look at what I'm currently doing! In early May, I will be beginning a sixty day adventure following the Old Silk Road in China, for the most part by bicycle!

I will be starting out in Beijing for a few days, then taking the train to Xi'an, which is the historical beginning of the Silk Road. From Xi'an, the bike west will begin, with help and support from our friends at Bike China (, all the way to Xinjiang Province, which is the westernmost province in China.

From there, my partner Tali and I will take the train to Lhasa, to begin a fourteen day exploration of Tibet, also by bike. Then in early July, we will fly to Shanghai for a few days of wonderful food and culture, before returning to New Zealand.

Because there are severe restrictions of social networking sites in China, I will be using this blog, rather than my Facebook page, to post my daily memories, memoirs and travelogues during this China adventure. My posts might be triggered by an experience, a vision, a dream, or perhaps someone I've met while biking, exploring, daydreaming, or sleeping during this trip.

Thanks so much for being a part of this adventure, and please check out my Facebook pages if you'd like!


  1. At the start of any thing, in India, this powerful Vedic Mantra of Lord Vishu, whose 10 incarnations on earth includes Rama, Krishna and also Buddha, is recited to invoke blessings and to remove all the obstacles on the way... so here it is for you and Tali...

    "Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu
    Mangalam Garuda Dhwaja
    Mangalam Pundari Kaksho
    Mangalaya Thanno Hari

    May auspiciousness be unto Lord Vishnu,
    May all auspiciousness be unto the one who has the Garuda, the birds king in flag symbol,
    May all auspiciousness be unto the Lord with lotus-like eyes,
    Lord Hari is the abode all auspiciousness"

    To listen to it, if you like some time ... here is the link for the text and the Mantra...

    Have a great time, may both of you find your self, in this epic journey.

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  2. Thank you so much for this beautiful and auspicious comment, celebrating the beginning of this blog, and also that of the China and Tibet quest. We will be spending time in the Himalayas, possibly later this year, or early next year...perhaps we can find a way to meet?!! Best wishes, and thanks again!
